Are you a Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, Business Owner, or a Personal Brand? Then read till the end!
Current Situation:
Everyone has switched to remote work to avoid human contact just to be safe from the coronavirus. Consequently, businesses are switching everything to virtual, including office hours and meetings. Most businesses are affected especially if you are still depending on traditional and offline marketing to generate leads. But the big question is how does this new way of work affect you and your business?
Something you should be aware of is that the coronavirus is offline, which reduces the return on investment on traditional/offline marketing. In contrast, the return on investment for online marketing has increased. Everyone is at home and spending more time on social media. For that reason, you have more opportunities for reaching them, engaging with them, and building a powerful community of loyal and targeted audiences.

Build up your brand, engage with your customers and build a powerful community on Instagram
How to Capitalize on the Situation:
How about having 1,000, 5,000, or even 10,000 targeted loyal followers on Instagram by the end of the corona epidemic? Wouldn’t it put you ahead of the game? Wouldn’t it give you more leverage on brand building and sales?
That’s exactly what we want you to do!
While everyone is shutting down operations, slowing down customer engagement, and waiting till the end of the epidemic, you should be busy building up your brand, engaging with your customers, and growing your community on Instagram. As a result, this will also help you develop a routine and a pattern of consistent growth, even after the virus epidemic is over.

Build up your Brand while everyone is on lockdown.
Why Instagram:
Instagram currently has more than 1 billion monthly active users, 38 percent are accessing the platform multiple times each day, delivering up to 4x more interactions on Instagram compared to Facebook, and a staggering 83% of Instagrammers say they discover new products and services on Instagram. With that many available eyeballs, as a business, you are losing out if you are not effectively utilizing the platform. Especially now that most people are spending more time online.

One Billion Monthly Active Instagram Users
Our expertise:
We offer a marketing tech solution that helps you gain 100 to unlimited new targeted followers every single month on Instagram. As a result of this, you can focus on developing your product and delivering your service. While we help you reach your target audience, engage with them, and build you a loyal community ready to be converted to paying customers.
Don’t believe us?
Try us for a month, and if we don’t deliver on our results, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee.
For as low as €124.95 per month, you can reach your target audience, engage with them, and build a loyal community on Instagram, ready to be converted to paying customers.
Finally, we understand that these are challenging times, so we would like to extend our support to businesses of up to 50 employees, with a 20% lifetime discount on our Boost Growth Plan if you subscribe before Friday 29th of May 2020.
(You will only pay €99.96 per month, forever!)
Don’t miss out on this business growth opportunity!
Use the link below to redeem your 20% lifetime discount!
You can use the coupon code “GROWTH” during checkout to redeem the discount.
Check our website for more information:
Still, have some questions?
Book a free 30 minutes consultation call with me, and I would be more than happy to answer your questions.